The Weapons

The weapons are separated in 9 categories:

  • Melee weapons - Crowbar, Katana, Chainsaw and Portable med-station
  • Pistols - Fnp-45, Colt Python
  • Machine guns - Bouncer Shotgun, XM29 OICW, AK-47, M249 Charger
  • Snipers - Automatic Crossbow, Compound Bow, AW50
  • Explosives - Chain grenade, USCM Satchel, Tripmine, Snark/Chumtoad
  • Alien weapons - Grapple, Hornetgun, Shickrifle, Sporelauncher
  • Energy weapons - Gauss gun, Egon gun, Railgun, Displacer
  • High explosives - RPG-7, M32 Grenadelauncher, M13 Flamethrower
  • Experimental - M134 Minigun, AT4 Nukelauncer


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